sanitation fogger

Is Sanitation Fogging Right For Your Facility?

The spread of COVID-19 has left many food processors trying to find fast and efficient ways to disinfect their facilities.

Wiping down every surface by hand with a CDC and EPA approved disinfectant is extremely costly, both in purchasing chemicals and in redirecting the labor force to spend time cleaning.

To combat those costs, many food processors have turned to the process of sanitation fogging to apply disinfectants in a large area.

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prevent COVID-19

8 Tested Ways to Help Prevent COVID-19 in Food Processing

As the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak makes its way across the country, food processors are asking an important question: how do I prevent a confirmed case from showing up in my food processing plant?

That’s a question every food processor, from the largest in the country down to the local butcher shop, should be asking.

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