2021 donations

Fusion Tech Makes Donations to 10 Non-Profits

Supporting local and national charities is a key value here at Fusion Tech.

Since 2017, we’ve hosted a vote where our clients, community, and employees could choose which charity would receive our end-of-year donation. It’s been widely successful year after year, gaining hundreds and sometimes thousands of votes.

When the COVID pandemic hit, we donated a percentage of the sale of our COVID guards to local food pantries to help those in our region hit the hardest by lockdowns and loss of jobs.

It’s just part of our DNA. We give back out of the success we’ve received.

10 Charities. 10 Donations.

In 2021, we tried something a little different.

Rather than hosting a vote and only donating to one charity, we decided to give a $1,000 donation to each charity who won our donation vote in the past or who received a percentage of the sale of our COVID guards (as well as a few new charities thrown in).

Our 2021 recipients were:

Each one of these recipients provide an important service to our local community or our nation as a whole.

We’re proud to be able to help drive their missions forward and impact the lives of those in need.

2022 Donation

Want to learn more and be notified when we do our donation vote at the end of this year?

Sign up for our monthly email newsletter.

You’ll be notified and be able to vote for the charity of your choice in December.